Integrated Studies

What a term it has been. This term students started a new topic: geography. They explored different continents, countries and cultures. They also looked at how environmental factors contribute to our living circumstances.

Overall it has been such a great term with exciting excursions based on our topic area. Students in Year 5 went to Sovereign Hill, Ballarat and were able to experience what it might have been like living on the gold fields. This was definitely interactive, and the students seemed to really enjoy themselves. The Year 6s went to the Chinese Museum in the CBD. Here students explored the museum and looked at the many artefacts including the dragon costume that is used during the Chinese New Year celebrations. After the museum, students went for a walk to visit China Town where they were shown heritage listed buildings, and learnt about the history behind them.

Please enjoy some of the photos and comments from students.

I look forward to starting a fresh semester with them all. I hope everyone has a lovely holiday.

Ms Nilsen Tran
Years 5 & 6 Teacher of Integrated Studies